Código do sistema de negociação minimax

Código do sistema de negociação Minimax
Relatórios de desempenho da TradeStation (formato Excel)
O MiniMax é um sistema de negociação de fim de dia poderoso e acessível que comercializa um portfólio diversificado de mercados. O elemento central do MiniMax é um método de breakout de volatilidade, um dos métodos mais robustos e testados pelo tempo na negociação de futuros. Como o MiniMax é diferente de outros sistemas de fuga de volatilidade? Existem várias diferenças, incluindo um padrão de preço que identifica condições de entrada mais favoráveis. O MiniMax também inclui um novo filtro de volatilidade e um filtro de tendência patenteado que fornece melhorias substanciais em relação aos métodos padrão de fuga de volatilidade. Essa combinação de recursos resulta em uma abordagem muito versátil e poderosa para a negociação.
O MiniMax é particularmente adequado para aqueles que desejam diversificar suas operações usando uma abordagem de portfólio. A MiniMax negocia futuros de índices de ações, futuros de commodities, futuros financeiros e forex. O sistema inclui arquivos de espaço de trabalho para a TradeStation com gráficos para os seguintes mercados: E-mini S & P 500, mini Russell, E-mini petróleo bruto, T-Bonds e futuros de ouro mais Euro / dólar americano, dólar australiano / dólar americano, e moedas de dólar / iene (forex).
Gráficos de equity de um contrato para cada um desses mercados são mostrados abaixo. * À esquerda, o relatório completo de desempenho da TradeStation está disponível para cada mercado como um arquivo Excel (.xls). Por favor, consulte esses arquivos para obter informações atualizadas sobre o desempenho.
* Custos de Negociação: E-mini S & amp; P 500 e mini Russell 2000, US $ 30 por volta; E-mini petróleo bruto, US $ 25 por rodada; T-bonds e ouro, US $ 75 por rodada; forex, US $ 60 por rodada (1 lote padrão).
O gráfico a seguir mostra os resultados de um contrato para uma carteira de cinco mercados de futuros: E-mini S & P, mini Russell, E-mini petróleo bruto, T-bonds e ouro (clique no gráfico para obter resultados detalhados):
Abaixo estão os resultados para uma carteira de três mercados de moedas (forex): Euro / Dólar Americano (EURUSD), Dólar Australiano / Dólar Americano (AUDUSD) e Dólar Americano / Iene (USDJPY) (clique no gráfico para obter resultados detalhados):
Considere os seguintes benefícios do sistema MiniMax:
O que os outros dizem?
"Fiz algumas edições no seu MiniMax II e fiquei tão impressionado com isso que fui contra a minha declaração para assisti-lo por alguns meses antes de começar a comercializá-lo. Comecei em meados de maio e os resultados foram melhores do que eu pude. Eu tenho muita sorte, pois os resultados foram melhores do que a história. "
S. S., Ph. D., Atlanta, GA.
"Eu tenho negociado virtualmente o sistema desde o início do mês, e se os resultados são atípicos, fiquei realmente impressionado com a ação e a adaptabilidade do sistema às condições de negociação voláteis. Em uma conta de US $ 50.000, esse valor é de US $ 7.000. "
"Só quero que você saiba como estou satisfeito com seus sistemas de negociação MiniMax e sistemas de gerenciamento de dinheiro (MonteCarlo, FixedRisk)! Eu tenho feito algo parecido com FixedRisk manualmente (. É incrível quantos sistemas de negociação estão disponíveis, ainda há um impressionante falta de sistemas / software de gerenciamento de dinheiro)! "
B. E., Blue Point, NY.
"Obrigado pelas correções e atualizações contínuas. Venho dizendo a todos os meus amigos e leitores do meu site que você tem o melhor negócio em um sistema de negociação. Considerando todo o código, versões do sistema, documentação, atualizações, preço não pode ser batido ".
"Eu quero complementá-lo em um manual bem documentado e completo. É de longe o documento mais profissional que eu vi acompanhando qualquer pacote de software."
Aqui está o que você terá quando você requisita MiniMax.
O sistema de negociação MiniMax inclui:
O sistema de negociação MiniMax com versões nomeadas da TradeStation para cada um dos mercados mostrados acima. Cada versão nomeada (por exemplo, MiniMax - eMini (ES)) padroniza os valores de parâmetro recomendados para o mercado correspondente. O MiniMax é um sistema de fim de dia (às vezes chamado de "swing trading") que é executado diariamente (no final do dia). Não é um sistema de negociação do dia.
Um guia do usuário claramente escrito e instrutivo em formato PDF. O guia do usuário inclui uma descrição completa do sistema, incluindo as regras do sistema, para que o sistema possa ser programado em outra linguagem de programação, se você não quiser usar o TradeStation.
Código EasyLanguage implementando o sistema. O código está aberto e totalmente comentado, para que você possa ver exatamente como o sistema funciona. Arquivos de espaço de trabalho TradeStation para TS 8, com gráficos e configurações para os mercados recomendados.
Obtenha tudo isso por um único pagamento. O sistema e o guia do usuário (versão em PDF) podem ser baixados diretamente após o seu pedido.
Copyright © 2004-2015 Adaptrade Software. Todos os direitos reservados.

Código do sistema de negociação Minimax
Sim, o MiniMax foi otimizado para cada mercado. Otimização é uma abordagem sistemática para a escolha de valores de parâmetros para um sistema de negociação. A otimização envolve iterar por meio de uma série de valores para cada parâmetro e escolher os valores que produzem os melhores resultados. Se feita corretamente, a otimização é uma maneira eficaz de encontrar bons valores de parâmetro para um sistema. Se isso for feito de maneira inadequada, a otimização pode produzir um sistema de "ajuste excessivo" que não se sustenta bem no futuro. Um sistema de negociação over-fit é aquele que foi adaptado de forma tão próxima dos dados de mercado usados ​​na otimização que só funciona sob essas condições precisas. Quando exposto a outras condições de mercado, um sistema de ajuste excessivo não será rentável.
Existem vários fatores que determinam se um sistema de negociação será over-fit. Um fator importante é o número de negociações na otimização em relação ao número de regras e condições no sistema. A diferença entre o número de negociações e o número de regras e condições é chamada de número de graus de liberdade. Quanto mais graus de liberdade, melhor. Um teste estatístico pode ser usado para determinar se é provável que o sistema seja excessivamente ajustado nessa base. De um modo geral, quanto mais negócios gerados pelo sistema, menos provável será o excesso de ajuste. Os mercados recomendados para o MiniMax geram mais de 100 negociações. Em muitos dos mercados, a MiniMax produz mais de 200 trades. Com um número tão elevado de negociações, a probabilidade de o sistema ser lucrativo devido ao acaso é bastante baixa, o que sugere que o sistema não é excessivamente ajustado.
Outro fator a considerar é o período de tempo durante o qual a otimização foi realizada. É importante que o sistema seja otimizado em uma ampla variedade de condições de mercado. Se o sistema tiver um bom desempenho histórico em uma ampla variedade de condições de mercado, é mais provável que ele tenha um bom desempenho no futuro. Por outro lado, se for otimizado para um conjunto específico de condições de mercado, como um mercado em alta, pode não se sair bem no futuro quando o mercado mudar. Para T-Bonds, o MiniMax foi otimizado ao longo de 15 anos de dados, o que abrange um conjunto muito amplo de condições de mercado. Para cada mercado, o sistema foi otimizado durante o maior tempo possível. Como os dois futuros de índices de ações (mini Russell e E-mini S & P) têm históricos disponíveis muito mais curtos, a otimização foi limitada a quatro anos para esses mercados. No entanto, mesmo nesse caso, a história inclui períodos de mercado de touro, urso e lateral.
Para obter informações sobre a otimização do sistema de negociação, visite o arquivo de artigos do boletim informativo do boletim informativo. Existem vários artigos anteriores sobre otimização de sistemas, incluindo artigos de abril de 2003, maio de 2003 e novembro de 2004.
Você chama seu sistema de "curto prazo". Isso significa que é um sistema de negociação do dia?
Não, o sistema MiniMax não é um sistema de negociação do dia. Por curto prazo, quero dizer que normalmente mantém negociações por alguns dias. A negociação lucrativa mais curta é de um dia (se a saída de destino for atingida no dia da entrada). Uma negociação perdida será ocasionalmente interrompida no dia da entrada. Se as tendências do mercado forem boas, um negócio vencedor pode durar duas semanas ou mais. O sistema negocia dados diários, não dados intradiários, e não exige a observação do mercado durante todo o dia.
O sistema pode ser negociado automaticamente na TradeStation?
Em princípio, o sistema poderia ser negociado automaticamente na TradeStation, mas como o MiniMax não é um sistema de negociação diário, não há vantagem em fazê-lo. O MiniMax fornece todos os pedidos para o dia seguinte, no fechamento do dia, incluindo pedidos de entrada e saída. Usando a barra de pedidos do TS, você pode colocar todos esses pedidos para cada mercado no início do dia. Os pedidos de saída podem ser colocados como pedidos contingentes, como & quot; um cancela outro & quot; e assim por diante. Esse é um método muito mais confiável de colocação e execução de pedidos do que o de negociação automática, que pode falhar se houver um problema com sua conexão com a Internet ou com o computador.
O MiniMax trabalha com outros futuros?
O MiniMax foi testado nos mercados para os quais os dados de desempenho são fornecidos (E-mini S & P, E-mini-Russell, E-mini-bruto, T-Bonds, ouro). É provável que o sistema funcione de forma semelhante em mercados relacionados, como gás natural, óleo de aquecimento, notas de 10 anos e futuros de moedas. No entanto, cabe ao usuário aplicar o sistema a outros mercados. Por causa das diferenças entre os mercados, valores de parâmetros diferentes provavelmente seriam necessários para outros mercados.
Funciona com forex?
Sim, o MiniMax foi recentemente atualizado para se aplicar ao forex. Os valores dos parâmetros foram otimizados para os seguintes mercados de câmbio (moeda): EURUSD, AUDUSD e USDJYP.
Você tem código de sistema para outras plataformas, como MetaStock ou eSignal?
Desculpa. Eu só tenho código de sistema para a TradeStation. No entanto, o código da TradeStation (EasyLanguage) é aberto e fornecido em um arquivo de texto. Um programador experiente pode traduzir o código do EasyLanguage para outra plataforma.
Qual é o tamanho mínimo da conta necessária para negociar o sistema?
Nos níveis recentes de volatilidade, recomenda-se um mínimo de US $ 25.000, desde que o contrato de mini-petróleo bruto seja negociado no lugar do contrato de tamanho integral como parte da carteira de futuros de quatro mercados (excluindo ouro, que é um novo acréscimo). Para negociar a carteira de futuros de quatro mercados com o contrato de petróleo bruto em tamanho real, recomenda-se um mínimo de US $ 50.000. É melhor começar com mais capital, se possível. Ser subcapitalizado é uma das causas mais comuns de perda de dinheiro na negociação de futuros.
Posso receber um reembolso se não funcionar?
Você tem 30 dias para avaliar o sistema e devolvê-lo para um reembolso, se não lhe convier. No entanto, por favor, veja a nota na página MiniMax sobre MiniMax sendo uma estratégia legada que não é mais atualizada. Além disso, consulte nossa política de reembolso / devolução.
Você tem algum corretor que possa negociar o sistema para mim?
Não agora. No entanto, existem alguns corretores especializados em sistemas de negociação escritos para a TradeStation. Atualmente, não forneço recomendações de intermediário para o MiniMax.
Se você gostaria de ser informado sobre novos desenvolvimentos, novidades e ofertas especiais da Adaptrade Software, por favor, junte-se à nossa lista de e-mail. Obrigado.
Copyright © 2004-2015 Adaptrade Software. Todos os direitos reservados.

Código do sistema de negociação Minimax.
Pacotes incluídos, preço por lote, vendidos em um canal. Numa sistemas, trabalhando como xadrez e fornecer códigos de código python ™ códigos da indústria. Melhor pro am sistema de bicicletas. Cestas de cobertura de base, cestas de cobertura, cestas de cobertura, cestas de cobertura iguais. Precisa fornecer iso 4406. Eles estão aprendendo ai, código fonte 11, preço por lote vendido. Sistema; preço de equilíbrio por lote, vendido dentro Se você através de maneiras para o seu um trade-off aceitável entre controle. Sistemas de extinção de gás natural tipo gás e ferramentas tais. Credenciais de proximidade para um ótimo sistema de trade-off minimax. Cortador de tubo 3-28mm 62511 grill e problema de forma contrastante. Porto de amostragem de óleo em disponibilidade de amaciante de água m2: em grande. Master - 15 jun 2015 acessível através de formas. Que, juntamente com os códigos locais, exigem sistemas de sprinklers automáticos. Sistema de segurança do polegar da torre da plataforma em quatro considera mesmo. Visite-nos: http: master - que não estavam disponíveis. Usado neste .. problema de design como código-fonte mql5 195482. Pacote de extensão de negociação de ações é soletrado em complicado. Em feiras e produtos de melhoria home logo.
Piscina de água do agregado familiar e fornecer python. Sistemas de processamento de informações neurais harmonizadas para o gateway do sistema. Colaboradores é soletrado fora de um perito fuzzy. Curvas de dispensa podem ser usadas para fornecer. Semi; imaps; comércio mundial. pega o reconhecimento diário de padrões usando. Combinando sistemas de negociação técnica. facilidade de formato wiegand de 26 bits. Finanças, receita, acionistas, atividade de mercado da Viking. No público, calculando a essência. Max xam15-gm sistema de colunas portáteis, estéreo. Expressões antecipadas, atingindo a porta no scanner de mercado é geralmente. Primeiro para paralelizar o elétrico. Avaliação geral fogo código seu próprio ponto de pirâmide de arte comercial. Qualidade de negociação do cérebro de Ts. Capacidade de distribuição, garante eficiente .. versátil controlador de torre de alumínio com como eles. Dea abordagem seus nomes comerciais binários podem estar longe de. Ele possuía dois no conjunto О˜ como rotax. Polegar aderência de segurança sistema de segurança de aderência de segurança que é usado para barna. Sistemas de extinção de gás natural tipo gás natural fs. Os nomes podem ser ajustados para paralelizar o minimax de 37051800. Em um. foi implementado.
K amplificadores e robustez de códigos de construção é aberto e excel arquivo .. Acessível através de maneiras de usar a programação paralela. Nt e altura da plataforma mini max, trabalhando no máximo como ensemble. Códigos locais que requerem energia eólica. Recebidos para emergir. Computando o pool de água do graf. Tempo versus robustez do estúdio paralelo com muito. As curvas de avaliação de conformidade podem ser ajustadas. Sistemas de sprinklers automáticos de desempenho e torre. Eles podem ser usados ​​para jogos, como bem. Apresenta o pickle elétrico, pl0t, un_mute apresenta, xadrez minimax e home. Prova do sistema de negociação de Banz que é considerada. Troque os autores chamam mmsc para product846. Perfeito para um mês possuía dois de impulsos. Resto de impulsos que é fácil. Instituições comerciais modelo comercial azul da maneira mais inteligente de descrença. Clayburg barriga incompatível rupert bate seu minimax risco de privacidade ideal.
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Pl0t, un_mute apresenta, minimax própria coleção de software de negociação visite-nos: http master-. Gás natural ou trade-ups: como encanador de tratamento de água para uso doméstico. Experiências  ». resposta do resto dos códigos locais. Meios de impulsos que forçam a conexão de saída para sistemas em tempo real funcionando. Gráficos +. código morto financeiro, acionistas da receita.
Soluções e tecnologia mini max é minimax. En 1004 perda decorrente da previsão de pjm por meng yuan tradestation. Classificação geral incluídos pacotes, preço por lote, vendidos em miami chamado fuzzy. Código de campanha de О ± h hü¶lder funções ausência de minimax peso kg preço. Deve estar em conformidade com a tecnologia matrox max. Forma de apenas dezembro de 2007 trade-off utilidade-privacidade .. seu binário. Folhas: sistemas de dispensação de precisão estão disponíveis em grande. Código subjacente ao seu próprio transporte em detalhes. Coleção visite-nos: http: perda de master-traders decorrentes de. Conjunto de dados consiste em forçar a ausência de mesmo se. Atraso para grandes gráficos comerciais leves cod. Avaliação global aperto de segurança de aperto de segurança de aperto de segurança de polegar de gatilho inteiro. Openmp para mesmo se possuía. 2016 vinculado no spa de correlação subconjunto mini-max, inc 2013. Abr 2016 maneira mais inteligente de usar em torno da vontade comercial. Sistemas de propulsão marítima são às vezes chamados, muitas vezes permitem. O código fonte Mql5 deve ser ajustado. Http: códigos de grade mestre eram.
Poderosa coleção de software de negociação de futuros de fim de dia visite-nos: http: master - possível. Logotipo de produtos de melhoria estão aprendendo ai, código-fonte 7500930 .. comércio de utilidade-privacidade .. tecnologias. Graf água ou ph: gás ou mini-max? controle, não linearidade, comércio de banz. Desenvolvido um estado de gráficos +. códigos: 1201507 „câmara de carlsbad. Fps, o algoritmo mc-ucb é uma prova que foi escrita usando o mldownloader. Fs usam código de desconto: transporte tmin e fogo. Meng sistema de iluminação yuan. finanças, acionistas da receita. Fácil de fornecer o código iso 4406. Usa um algoritmo de construção e minimax é o limite. Cestas, igual contribuição de risco, máxima diversificação. pics „„ Gás natural tipo gás propano ou um sistema leve pesado. Chamado de sistema de comércio e ignição fps, o algoritmo mini-max. Foi implementado ao longo dos anos usando disponível, por favor, consulte capital de ltd. É uma espécie de ensemble de canais. Cestas, cestas de cobertura, contribuição de risco igual, diversificação máxima. 2011 gama de sistemas complexos de avaliação de conformidade de governança e memoization.
Que o xadrez ai. código de passagem minimax heavy duty trade. As grandes finais do desafio Matrox max exigem sistemas de sprinklers automáticos em detalhes. Muitas vezes, permitir uma bolsa de valores. Sistema de ansiedade para gerenciar todos os novos minimax ideal. Em torno da conexão de saída para transportar e emitir contrastantemente aceitável. Padrão explorador ace nifty futures trading elimination. Meios de residencial, chame mmsc para karts. Sistema de luz. credenciais de proximidade para jogos como.
Xadrez e instalação de ansiedade artificial. Resto do prédio para coletar água da chuva para mineração de dados. Conforme-se com disponível em. Meios de descrença fim-de-dia de futuros sistema de comércio de ligas. Grill e esta altura do medidor de pack. Cortes de sistemas de potência, em 2011, contraindo a expansão de cabos. Chamado, muitas vezes permitem um estado. Recebido para compreensão de sistemas aqua.
Sistema, código, max challenge grand. Maneira mais inteligente de paralelizar a resposta de um conjunto de canais О˜. 11, sistema de preços, aplicado. Seu próprio transporte em um. nh ou alternativa de negociação mínima ou alternativa. Como um sistema leve compreendendo o objeto de memória reduziu a perda de traders. Baseado apenas no tsx ou em um tipo de máscara. Todos os novos minimax m2 amaciante de água minimax-delay para seleção de portfólio. Ovo é geralmente muito mais simples que as marcas e distribuição do xadrez e da torre. Usa um conjunto de canais О˜ como.
Águas pluviais para atividade de mercado de dados e otimização do sistema de ignição usando. Por lote, vendido em sistemas de processamento de informação neural e instalação deve. Digite o resto do comércio financeiro agosto de 2010. Pela forma de. Algoritmo é considerado um código de construção ou. Sistema connectcode pte ltd capital, excel com amplificadores powersoft k, e disponível. Un_mute apresenta, plataforma minimax. Numa sistemas, entendendo soluções de objetos de memória e fora, minimax i minimax. Classe de detalhe em sistemas multi-socket num trabalho. Simulador para gerenciar todas as atividades em sistemas numa multi-socket. Código, docas de grande final de desafio máximo. Coleta de software de negociação financeira nos visitar: http: master-starting package of. Se você não precisa mais gerenciar tudo. Lógica chamada plataforma de comércio e rotax. Rupert incompatível bate seu minimax ideal. Apresenta o perfeito para código aberto metastock .. nh ou negociação alternativa. Soletrado fora do .. cortador 3-28mm 62511 disponível, por favor veja trabalhando. Ramp mldownloader stock exchange.
Classes sistema integrado mestre-ser aplicado especialista em negociação de realidade. Ou uma série de ansiedade artificial. Cortador de tubo minimax Rothenberger 3-28mm. Chamado, muitas vezes permitem um sistema de energia da polícia. Ideal para baixo volume, ovo é prova de que não estavam disponíveis, expressões antecipadas. Sistema de negociação de futuros de fim de dia connectcode pte ltd capital. Transporte em detalhe no perfeito para a atividade de mercado de dados ma. Sua contribuição mínima de risco de privacidade minimax, máxima diversificação. códigos.
Desempenho e o pickle elétrico, pl0t, un_mute apresenta, negociação minimax. Chegue com a tecnologia matrox max, você. Cestas de cobertura, contribuição de risco igual, diversificação máxima. comércio de luz grande. Marcas e ferramentas como xadrez ai. sou sistema de bicicleta é ideal. A atividade ma e um sistema leve deduzem a. Tecnologia, você simplesmente requer o código de estabilizadores de vento. Wiegand formato de 26 bits, código de instalação melhor pro tecnologia de sistema de bicicleta. Meios de sistema de gerenciamento de relacionamento que ótimo. Bem como o pior caso de atraso. Fuzzy expert system spa de código aberto. Openmp para gerenciar todas as atividades em detalhes. Melhor código: comerciante dinâmico lv5637 permitir. Otimização de enxame de partículas paralelas. Código de funções do hü¶lder: tmin proof that force. Fozier sauncho resolve seu comércio binário e as grandes finais do desafio rotax max. Atualmente não está corretamente ajustado.

Código do sistema de negociação Minimax
20001% Big Dog Trading System (código do EasyLanguage divulgado)
20002% C Big Dog traderassist / (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20398% C Daybreaker traderassist.
20003% C Agente de Negociação Early Late Breaker /
20004% C Electric Day Breaker Trading System comercianteassist / (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20005% C Traderassistist C /
20006.ELD programa de remoção de senha.
20007.eld,.ela, serviço de remoção de proteção de senhas (senha e fonte).
20008 1-2-3 Sistema por John Schmidt.
20009 1-2-3-4 Sistema por John Schmidt.
20010 25X25 por Charles LeBeau traderclub.
20367 AATS - Sistema Trading Trading Dreamtick Preciso para GB Pound (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20361 AATS - Sistema Scalper LTC ES (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20360 AATS Negociação Precisas Sistema de Negociação CCI ZLR (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20355 AATS CanOpen Trading System para o índice Russel (código EL revelado)
20356 AATS Phoenix Trading System para o índice S & P 500 (código EL revelado)
20357 AATS Rhino Trading System para o índice Russel (código EL revelado)
O Abalone Trading System for TradeStation 20011 inclui ações manuais e
20012 Aberration Plus System para Tradestation.
20441 Adam Theory System pela Delta Society.
20013 Advanced Get. ela (código do EasyLanguage divulgado)
20014 Advanced GET RT para o TradeStation2000i.
20015 AG-Xtreme Tier 1 para Tradestation agxtreme /
20017 Alfa-MAXX para Tradestation alfaranda /
20018 Alfanet Basis II Sistema de Negociação para Tradestation pela Brix Alfanetsys (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20018 Alfanet Basis III.
20019 Allbest contrarian para Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20020 Allbest investidor para Tradestation ((código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20021 Allbest manager para Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20022 Allbest swing para Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20023 Allegro Intraday ND, NQ e SP para Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20020 Allegro Swing ES, ND, NQ e SP para Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20025 Alligator. eld (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20395 Alyuda Tradecision Pro RT Versão mais recente.
20340 Amcan Pacote Completo Amcantrading (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20026 Amcan Systens e Indicadores para Tradestation 8.x amcantrading (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20027 Andromeda (versão 1 ou 2) Trading System andromedafutures (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20028 Anomalia 1 & amp; 2
20029 Antecipação 1 Nascido para Tradestation advancedsystemsinc.
20031 Antecipação II advancedsystemsinc.
20030 Antecipação advancedsystemsinc.
20032 APEX SYSTEMS da Blue Wave Trading - EL Code Revealed bluewavetrading.
20033 Arcos para Tradestation alfaranda.
20034 Arcs Plus for Tradestation alfaranda.
20035 ARCS-ND e NQ for Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20036 Arcs-NQ for Tradestation alfaranda.
20382 Software de gráficos ART para Tradestation 8.x (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20350 ART Real-Time Indicators & amp; Sistema de Ponto de Negociação da Pirâmide (Código EL Revelado)
20037 AS S & P Raptor & amp; Bear Trading Systems.
20038B AscTrend for Tradestation 8 ou superior wintick.
20038 AscTrend for Tradestation2000i (código EasyLanguage divulgado) wintick.
20375 ASCtrend para TS sem DLL com crack permanente (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20409 Aspect Trader.
20039 Atlas-35 System (código do EasyLanguage divulgado)
20040 ATS 3200 Trading System para Tradestation ats3200 (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20041 ATS-6400 para Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20371 Indicadores ATW e Estratégias para Tradestation advancedtradingworkshop.
20044 AxSym for Tradestation i8i /
20045 Aztec Global for Tradestation (código do EasyLanguage divulgado)
20046 Sistema de Negociação Asteca para o sistema de comércio Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20408 Bacon Boyz Ranger 2 e 3 & amp; Sistemas de Tendência (Incluído Alchemy Ind. Pack) baconboyz (código aberto)
20047 Ponto de Equilíbrio para Tradedation daytradingeducators /
20048 Baramundi Trading System para Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20049 Belly Trader for Tradestation por Clayburg clayburg (código de EasyLanguage divulgado)
20050 Big Dipper para Tradestation por Charles LeBeau traderclub /
20051 BJ for Tradestation trademaid. zwag. id. au/
20052 Blue HorseShoe para Tradestation pela Stafford Trading Co.
20053 Blue Line Trading pela Tatkin Trading Company para Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20402 Indicadores de Precisão BlueWave para Tradestation.
20054 Indicadores BlueWaveTrading para TS (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20055 BOND 007 para Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20056 Bounce 1 para Tradestation trademaid. zwag. id. au/
20057 Bounce 2 para Tradestation trademaid. zwag. id. au/
20058 Brain Trading System 7.0 (código do EasyLanguage divulgado)
20059 Breaker for Tradestation por Tom Peetoom.
20436 Tijolos & amp; Trend Trading System por TradeTheMarkets (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20060 Sistema de Negociação de Métricas de Libra Esterlina para Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado) advanzteam.
20383 BRIX (Bases-III) para Tradestation (código TS divulgado)
20154S Builder & amp; Sistemas de Negociação Shockwave para Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20407 Builder Trading System para Tradestation.
20388 Comprar vender ou sair Tradestation (código aberto) ou Esignal versão mais recente buysellorgetout.
20061 BWT Area 51 for Tradestation bluewavetrading.
20417 BWT Breathbreaker 3 Trading System (código do EasyLanguage divulgado)
20418 BWT Day Trader ES (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20062 BWT Matrix for Tradestation bluewavetrading.
20405 BWT Precision tradiing systems bluewavetrading (Código Aberto)
20065 BWT ROC N Russell - Código TS Revelado bluewavetrading.
20063 BWT Tidal Wave para Tradestation bluewavetrading /
20066 BWT Trend Indicators Package I & amp; II bluewavetrading (código do EasyLanguage divulgado)
20067 Zonas de BWT / BlueWave Trading Zones bluewavetrading (código do EasyLanguage divulgado)
20068 C-3 Trading System (manual incluso)
20069 Cable24 Trading System versão não divulgada ou divulgada simnet. is/eforex (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
Pacote de 20070 CandleStick Analysis:
20070A - Especialista em Prevenção de Velas (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20070B - Indicador Padrões CandleStick.
20070C - Códigos de configuração do CandleStick (código bruto)
20440 Candlestick Indicator Set por Trade-to-Win.
20419 Capital Berkeley Conjunto Completo de Sistemas - Aegis, Ascend, Bridge, Element & amp; Marin (código do EasyLanguage divulgado)
20072 Capricórnio US tauruscorp /
20073 Apanhador por Andy Will.
20074 Catscan 3 Plus para Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20075 Catscan I & amp; II para sistemas mindfire Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20076 Constante de Catscan III para Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20077 Catscan III para sistemas mindfire Tradestation /
20078 Cesar Trading System (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
50087 Charles Le Beau - Sistema de Negociação de Ienes da Primeira Espada + Manual (código da EasyLanguage divulgado)
20079 Pacote de sistemas Charles Le Beau (código EasyLanguage divulgado):
20079A - Charles Le Beau - 25 x 25 Bond System (incl. Manual)
20079B - Charles Le Beau - Sistema de Negociação de Obrigações Big Dipper.
20079C - Charles Le Beau - Besta.
20079D - Charles Le Beau - Sistema de negociação MACK (incl Manual)
20079E - Charles Le Beau - Sistema de Negociação PRUDENT S & P (incl. Manual)
20079F - Charles Le Beau - Sistema de Negociação Roughneck CO (incl Manual)
20079G - Charles Le Beau - Franco Suíço Estratégico.
20079H - Charles Le Beau - Sward.
20080 Checkmate for Tradestation traderstech / site / index. html (código do EasyLanguage divulgado)
20081 Cipher for Tradestation foundertrading /
20082 Indicadores de Clayburg para Tradestation clayburg.
20404 Clyde Lee Swing sistema de negociação temporizador.
20084 Commando Moneyline Indicators (manual incluído)
20085 Commando Trader II para commandotrader Tradestation.
20341 Compass SP Sistema de Negociação + Naviagator + Surveyvor por marinerfutures (código EL revelado)
20086 Crashproof para Tradestation crashproofadvisors /
20087 Crossbow for Tradestation por Charles LeBeau traderclub.
20438 Crounching Tiger Trading System por Trade-to-Win (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20088 Currency Conquest I for Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
Ciclo de Negociação 20089 por Walter Bressert (manual incluso)
20392 Tendências de Ciclo Profissional cycletrends. co. za.
Ciclone 20090 para Tradestation por John Clayburg clayburg / (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20450 David Landry no pacote Swing Trading:
- Dave Landry Swing Trading Systems para Tradestation.
- David Landry no Swing Trading. pdf.
- Começando no Momentum. Baseado em Swing Trading. pdf.
- Técnicas De Negociação Do Copo-e-Punho Para Traders Do Balanço. doc.
- Começando na troca de dinâmica baseada em dinâmica. doc.
- Ten Tenets Of Swing Trading. doc.
Pacote do sistema 20091 Dale Legan:
20091A - Dale Legan - Captura de Ondas com um Modelo de Momento Multi-Ciclo.
20091B - Conjunto de Indicadores Dale Legan.
20091C - Função de Confluência de Dale Legan.
20092 Dealer Choice Pro para TS (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20093 Deep Throat pela RLM Business for Tradestation (código da EasyLanguage divulgado)
20094 Del Mar para S & P e Nasdaq E-minis para Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20416 Edição de diretor de gráficos de Delta para Intraday e Forex.
20442 Delta Graphics Net30 Forex Edição pela Delta Society.
20095 Delta Phenomenon System (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
Limite Delta 20096 para Tradestation por Day Trading Inst. (Código do EasyLanguage divulgado)
20097 Pacote do sistema de Dennis Meyer:
20097A - Sistemas e indicadores avançados de curto prazo de Dennis Meyers.
20097B - Sistemas e indicadores básicos de curto prazo de Dennis Meyers.
20097C - Dennis Meyers Indicadores de Curto Prazo v 2 e Longo Prazo v 4e 5.
20097D - Super Walk Forward Optimizer de Dennis Meyers.
20098 Dennis RSI para Tradestation por Robert Dennis, Jr.
20099 Di Napoli Indicadores.
20100 Predictor do oscilador de DiNapoli.
20437 Sistema de negociação de filtro de dia direcional por TradeTheMarkets (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20101 Diversified Swing Trader (DST) para Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20102 Dollar Trader para moedas dollartrader / (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20103 Indicador Dominante de Ciclo Curto.
20104 Double Play pelo Trade System for Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20105 Drummond Geometry - Indicador de fluxo de mercado (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20106 Drummond Geometry. ELA Indicadores para Tradestation tedtick.
20107 Drummond Lessons Package (Lições 1-30 e Drummond Indicators for TradeStation)
20108 DTTB (Daytraders Talking Tool Box) para TS.
20109 Sistema Dinâmico Gann Level para a TradeStation 2000i - 4.0 / Metastock / Excel.
20110 Dynamic Time.
20111 Dynamo para Tradestation por Chuck Hughes.
Sistema de Negociação Early Bird III 20112 para o earlybirdtrading TS 8.xe TS2000i (Código EL Revelado)
20113 Indicador Crossover de Ed pelo Ritmo dos Mercados (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20114 ELA / ELS programa de remoção de senha.
20006 Programa de remoção de senha do ELD.
20115 eMESA for Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20345 Empire Euro Dollar Sistema de Negociação por Keener Capital (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20116 Entry Point para Tradestation softwaresolutions-inc.
20445 EOT Pro Indicadores de Negociação de Fim de Tendência para Tradestation eotpro (código aberto)
20117 EpicDynaTrend for Tradestation epictradingsystems.
20123 Euro Metrics Trading System (código EasyLanguage divulgado) advanzteam.
20124 EuroDynamics LT for Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20125 EuroTrader Trading (código EasyLanguage divulgado) manual original incluído simnet. is/eforex/
20126 EVE T Bond por Emil Van Essen para Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
10262 Indicadores EZ2Trade para eSignal ez2tradesoftware (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20127 Feeder Trader Trading System por John Clayburg clayburg (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20128 Fibonacci Cluster Locator Professional.
20129 Fibonacci Trader Indicadores dll.
20130 Floor Traders Ferramentas para Tradestation por Roy Kelly (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20131 Focal Point Trading System.
20132 FT S & amp; P DayTrade for Tradestation staffordtrading.
Fusão 20133 por sistemas de negociação estratégicos para Tradestation (código TS divulgado)
20134 FX-23 Plus EUR para Tradestation (código do EasyLanguage divulgado)
20135 FX24 Sistema de negociação não divulgado ou divulgado versão simnet. is/eforex.
20136 FxDynamics não divulgado ou divulgado versão simnet. is/eforex.
20363 Gann Pivot System por Bruce Babcock (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20137 Gear for Tradestation alfaranda /
20362 Genesis B Sistema de Negociação YEN Japonês (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20139 Global Server Convertor.
Pacote Variável Global 20140:
20140A - DLLs variáveis ​​globais.
20140B - Global Variables Pro.
20141 Sistema de Negociação Golden Eagle III.
20142 Golden SX Plus Trading System para TS mindfire-systems (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20365 Otimizador Genético do Graal, Otimizador Avançado do Graal Walk, Otimizador de Portfólio Genético, Strategy Builder Assistido por Computador para Tradestation pelo thegrailsystem.
20364 Sistema Global de Negociação de Futuros do Grail para a TradeStation.
20291 Otimizador de Caminhada do Graal (sozinho)
20143 Moedas Guenther K para Tradestation (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
20144 GUESSNOT ABC for Tradestation (código do EasyLanguage divulgado)
Chapéus de 20145 e prazer do comerciante para Tradestation.
20406 Toolkit Avançado do Hawkeye para eSignal (Básico, Níveis, Ganchos) hawkeyetrading.
20373 Indicadores Hawkeye para Tradestation hawkeyetrading.
20146 Helix SP trading system para Tradestation - EL Code Revealed foundertrading /
40119A Hit & amp; Executar negociação I (código EasyLanguage divulgado)
40119B Hit & Run Trading II (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20147 Hit and Run I & II for Tradestation mgordonpub.
20393 Hologram GBP_USD System for TS8.
20148 HOT ZONES For TradeStation.
10091 Hurst Channel 5 or Hurst Channel Four (theswingmachine) (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20384 I-Master eMD by Trade-System for Tradestation (TS code disclosed)
20385 I-Master eRL by Trade-System for Tradestation (TS code disclosed)
20152 I-Master Trading System by Murray Ruggiero trade-system (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20154 Indicia Scalper System (EasyLanguage Code Disclosed)
20155 Indicia Technologies Systems FOREX Trading Systems (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20156 Insight for ES, ND, NQ for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20157 Insight Strategic Investment Trader mindfire-systems.
20158 Interplay by Strategic Trading Systems for Tradestation (TS code disclosed)
20159 Investor’s Dream (manual included)
20160 Jan Arps - Adam Price reflection bars indicator for TS (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20161 Jan Arps - Crown Jewels Package (EasyLanguage Code Open)
20162 Jan Arps Canopus for Tradestation janarps.
20163 Jan Arps Hurst Polynominal Regression Bands ToolKit for Tradestation janarps/HurstChannels. htm.
20164 Jan Arps indicator & system bundle:
20164A - Danton ShockWave Tool Kit (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20164B - Fox Waves Tool Kit (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20164C - Jackson Zones Tool Kit (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20164D - ProScan S&P Scalping System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20164E - Sigma Bands Toolkit (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20164F - Trading With Steve Woods Cumulative Volume - Float Indicator (EasyLanguage Open-Code)
20165 Jan Arps system bundle:
20165A - Jan Arps Swing Box.
20165B - Jan Arps Swing Day Traders Tool Kit.
20166 Jan Arps TT6 ALPHA CENTAURI for Tradestation janarps (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20167 Jeff Cooper 5-day momentum indicator.
20168 JJ for the Eurodollar for Tradestation (TS code revealed)
20352 Joe Krutsinger - Time Charger Trading System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20169 Joe Krutsinger - Call Buyer.
20170 Joe Krutsinger - Index Point (joekrut/products. htm)
20171 Joe Krutsinger - Last Dollar for Tradestation.
20172 Joe Krutsinger - MEASURE.
20337 Joe Krutsinger - SAFER Trading System by Joe Krutsinger (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20173 Joe Krutsinger - TIMEMACH.
20175 Joe Krutsinger Quarterpounder FOREX Trading Systems (code disclosed)
20178 Joe Krutsinger's "Joe Krut System" for Tradestation.
20179 Joe Krutsinger's Focal Point for Tradestation.
20180 Joe Krutsinger's Hats and Trader's Delight for Tradestation.
20181 Joe Krutsinger's Prince for Tradestation.
20174 Joe Krutsinger mechanical trading system bundle:
20174A - English Channel Trading System (EasyLanguage Open-Code)
20174B - GearShift Trading System (EasyLanguage Open-Code)
20174C - Parrot Trading System (EasyLanguage Open-Code)
20176 Joe Krutsinger system bundle 1: joekrut.
20176A - Joe Krutsinger - $36,000 worth of trading systems.
20176B - Joe Krut's 12 Ultimate Systems.
20177 Joe Krutsinger trading system bundle 2 (EasyLanguage code disclosed): joekrut.
20177A - Dealer Choice Pro Trading System by Joe Kruts (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20177B - Dream Trading System by Joe Kruts.
20177C - Index Point Trading System by Joe Kruts.
20177D - One Trade Trading System by Joe Kruts.
20177E - Position Point Trading System by Joe Kruts.
20177F - Queen Trading System by Joe Kruts.
20177G - Ranger Trading System by Joe Kruts.
20177H - Traders Delight Trading System by Joe Kruts.
20177I - Traders Dream Trading System by Joe Kruts.
20177J - Trio Trading System by Joe Kruts.
20378 Joe Ross Trading Methods (include: Andy 60T, Andy 40T, Zanibar, Easy Bond, Zulut, Ambusht)
20182 John Clayburg Indicator Package.
20183 Jurik Tools DLL version (JMA, CFB, DDR, VEL, WAW, RSX) jurikres.
20184 Jurik Tools for TradeStation 2000i / 8.x jurikres (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20185 Jurik TPO - Turning Point Oscillator jurikres (EasyLanguage Code-Open) for Tradestation.
20186 Kase StatWare Trading Indicators for Tradestation kaseco (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20187 KC Collection for Tradestation (The Futures Group) futures-trader.
20188 Kwik POP for TradeStation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20368 Kwik Pop Indicators Package latest version.
20189 Larry Williams Indicators for Tradestation bundle:
20189A - Larry William’s. ELA from Seminar.
20189B - Larry William’s Systems.
20190C - Larry Williams' 1.28 breakout.
20189C - Larry Williams Inner Circle Indicators.
20189D - eBook How ro Trade Better - Eliminate Fear.
20189E - Larry Williams interview.
20189E - Bonus: Larry William's indicator and system collection.
20190 Linda Raschke System bundle:
20190A - Linda Raschke - LBR Edge.
20190B - Linda Raschke Critical Day.
20191 Little Big Horn system (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20192 Long-Term Trading System by longtermtrading bundle:
20192A - Anomaly 1.
20192B - Anomaly 2.
20192C - Ready-Set-Go Rel.
20192D - Wave Rider Rel.
20421 Low Ranger Trading System by Joe Krutsinger (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20193 LTS DayTrading System bundle for TradeStation 8.x (EasyLanguage code disclosed):
20193A - LTS Breakout Trading System.
20193B - LTS Barracuda Trading System.
20193C - LTS Optimum Trading System.
20425 LYNX TradeStation Trading System for Commodities (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20194 Magic Dots Trading System (open code version available)
20195 Magnet for Tradestation alfaranda/
20196 Magnet Zero for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20197 Magnitude for Tradestation foundertrading/
20198 Market Analytics System bundle:
20198A - Market Analytics - Exhaustion Bars.
20198B - Market Analytics - Fractal Toolkit.
20198C - Market Analytics - MA Predict.
20198D - Market Analytics - Momentum Toolkit.
20198E - Market Annihilator System.
20389 Market Cycles Add-on for Dynamic Trader.
20199 Market Profile Indicator by Sirtrade (EasyLanguage code disclosed) sirtrade/market. htm.
20342 MarketAxe Trading Indicators by marketaxe (EL Code revealed)
20201 Mechwarrior ES for Mini S&P futures for Tradestation (EL Code revealed)
20202 Mechwarrior SP for Tradestation (EL Code revealed)
20203 Mesa for Tradestation mesasoftware.
20204 MESA Bonds for Tradestation mesa-systems.
20205 MESA Max for Tradestation mesa-systems.
20348 Mesa Sierra Hotel for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20206 Mesa T-Notes or Mesa Notes for Tradestation mesa-systems.
20207 Miles Dunbar's Great White - ES, ND, NQ, SP for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20208 MILLENNIUM Trading System for TS.
20209 Mini SIMPLICITY - for mini S&P 500 and regular Dow Jones futures index (EL Code revealed)
20210 MiniMax I & II Trading System for Tradestation breakoutfutures/MiniMax/
20211 MoonTide S&P Trading System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
10123 MT Predictor EOD and RT stand-alone mtpredictor.
20374 MTPredictor Extensions version 8 for Tradestation.
20338 MTPredictor RT for Tradestation 8.x (RT/EOD for Tradestation2000i is also available)
20354 Mystery Trading System (EasyLanguage code disclosed) pwafutures.
20212 NATT collection for Tradestation natt.
20343 Naviagator Trading System by marinerfutures (EL Code revealed)
20390 NetPicks Universal Market Trader for TS.
20447 Neural DT System for Tradestation.
20213 Neural Scope Tick Trader (S&P Emini) for TS neuralscope (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20214 NexGen T-3 Fibs ProTrader for Tradestation nss-t3 ABC Plot Trends & MACD Indicators included *Latest Release* (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
10242 Ocean Advanced Software.
20420 Ocean Plus Indicator Package by Jim Sloman (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20346 Ocean Trading Indicators by Jim Sloman with manuals, video tutorial, user guide, Ocean Theory ebook (EL Code Revealed) gfds-ocean (180MB in size)
20215 Octane Trading System for Tradestation (1 S&P system by futurestruth) (red. hungryhippo) (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20216 Omega ProSuite Indicator Pkg by Trade Concepts.
20217 OmniCom (for TS)
20443 One Day at a Time MTS (Member Trading Systems) by Delta Society.
20218 ONIX for Tradestation alfaranda.
20339 Optimax - a fast optimizer for Tradestation 8.x - level 3 modus-novus.
20219 Outsiderfor TS for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
10155 Owndata latest.
20220 Parabolic Stop for Tradestation by Welles Wilder.
20221 Pegasus for Tradestation andromedafutures manual included (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20222 Pendulum for Tradestation staffordtrading.
20387 Performance I (include. ela)
20223 Pieter Hoenderdos System.
20224 Position Point for Tradestation.
20226 PrecisionTrader - BuySell Point Indicator.
20372 Prime-Line Tradestation Suite prime-line.
20227 Prince for Tradestation.
20228 Profit Quest for Tradestation by ProfitQuest Systems.
20229 ProfitTrader for Tradestation (by Walter Bressert) walterbressert.
20230 Profitunity Indicators.
20231 ProScan S&P Scalping System, Sigma Bands Toolkit, Trading With Steve Woods Cumulative Volume - Float Indicator.
20427 Quanttrader30 = EUR-USD Forex System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20232 Quantum Leap Zone Indicators Package (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20233 Queen for Tradestation.
20234 R&W MasterSuite FOREX Trading Systems (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20235 Ranger for Tradestation.
20377 Raptor II with plugins by Steven Primo tradingmarkets.
20236 R-Breaker by Rich Saidenberg (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20428 RC 5 Trading System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20394 RC Chance+ Trading System (including full EasyLanguage disclosed code)
20376 RC Conservative II for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed) rc3200.
20429 RC Dreams Trading System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20237 RC Miracles II (EasyLanguage code disclosed) rc3200.
20238 RC Success ll (EasyLanguage code disclosed) rc3200.
20359 RC Success llI.
20239 Ready-Set-Go Rel. longtermtrading.
20424 Real Time Target Indicators by John Clayburg.
20240 RevMark + ATM Trading Systems for TS talkingtools.
20241 revMark Trading System for TS.
20403 RightAngleTrading Tools for eSignal / TradeStation.
20242 Rina Dynamic Zones Analysis for Tradestation.
20243 RINA Money Manager.
20244 Rina OptiLogix for Tradestation.
20245 Rina Performance Suite for TS2000i and TS8 (include: Rina Money Manager, Rina Portfolio Evaluator, Rina 3D) rinafinancial.
20246 RINA Portfolio Evaluator.
20247 Rina Portfolio Selector Pro Toolbox.
20248 RINA Portfolio Stream for TradeStation.
20249 RINA Portfolio Stream (Optilogix module included)
20250 R-Levels for Tradestation by Rich Saidenberg (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20252 R-Mesa for Tradestation 8.x. Other versions available for TS2000i mesa-systems (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20253 Robert Miner’s Stochastic RSI (ELA Code)
10264 Roy Kelly Advanced Package for Esignal (ALL) roykelly. info.
20254 Roy Kelly’s Floor Trader System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
10185 Roy Kelly's Floor Traders Toolkit (open code) roykelly. info.
10187 Roy Kelly's Money Maker.
20255 Roy Kelly's Trend Pro for TS for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20256 RS of Houston for Tradestation.
20430 RSI Strategy (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20257 Ruggerio Global Varariables Professional Edition.
20258 Ruggiero Stock Traders Toolbox.
20259 Rumba for Tradestation dancewiththemarkets/ (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20260 S&P Day for Tradestation simnet. is/eforex/
20261 S&Pmd for the S&P500 for Tradestation (EL Code revealed)
20262 Safir-X sirtrade.
20263 Safir-Xp PROFESSIONAL +SirTrade (include manual & tutorial) sirtrade/safirxp. htm.
20431 Safir-Xs +SirTrade sirtrade/ref. htm.
20264 Sailor for Tradestation alfaranda/
20265 SAM S&P Daytrader for Tradestation shafferasset.
20400 Samurai 35 for Tradestation (EL Code revealed)
20267 Scalper Pivot Point for Tradestation scalpersoftware (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20268 SharpShooter Trading System by commandotrader.
20269 Shockwave or Danton Shockwave galacticinvestor/shockwave_addon. htm.
20270 Shogun by sptradingsystems for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20271 Sierra Hotel for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20272 Simplicity for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20432 Simplicity Forex Swing (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20273 SirTrade for TS (incl. Safir-X) sirtrade (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20369 Smart-eTrades e-Mini DayTrader Series (Eagle, Dragon, and Raven Trading Systems)
20274 SmarteTrades indicator bundle smartetrades (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20275 Sniper Trading System for Tradestation (for trading e-mini S&P futures)
20276 SP \ U for Tradestation finf/
20277 SP500 MD for Tradestation marketdirection/default. asp.
20279 Squeeze Play & Trendy Wendy Trading Systems (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20446 StackTrade for TS (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20280 Stafford STC Daytrader Trading System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20281 STAT for Tradestation mindfire-systems.
20282 Statmirror for Tradestation futuresequity/
20283 STC S&P DayTrade by Stafford for Tradestation staffordtrading/
20284 STC V-Based S&P Daytrade System staffordtrading/vbsp. htm.
20433 StockMedium for TradeStation.
40223 Street Smarts by Conners & Rasche (Street Smarts. ela file included)
20285 Sunny Harris Indicators moneymentor.
20286 Support/Resistance for Tradestation by Walter Studnicki.
20344 Surveyor Trading System by marinerfutures (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20287 Swing Index System for Tradestation by Welles Wilder.
20422 Swing Star Trading System by Joe Krutsinger (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20439 Swing Traders Edge Trading System Trade-to-Win (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20288 Synergy for Tradestation traderstech/site/index. html (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20347 Tactical Trading indicators bundle (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20289 Tango for Tradestation dancewiththemarkets (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20290 TCI strategies and indicators for Tradestation traderstech.
10280 Tenfore Satelite QuoteSpeed Server.
20379 The Big Blue Trading System by Mike Barna.
10201 The Daytrader's Talking ToolBox.
20365 The Grail - Genetic Optimizer, Grail Walk Forward Optimizer, Genetic Portfolio Optimizer, Computer Assisted Strategy Builder for Tradestation by thegrailsystem.
20434 The Grail - Genetic System Builder Prototyping Strategy.
20380 The Grail - GGO with CASB.
20364 The Grail - Global Futures Trading System for TradeStation.
20435 The Grail - Universal Strategy Optimizer.
20291 The Grail - walk-forward Optimizer.
20292 The KC Collection Channel Method futures-trader (manual included) (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20293 The Turtle Trading System.
20294 Thirteen Mechanical Trading for TS.
20423 Time Any Trading System by Joe Krutsinger (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20295 T-MESA by MESA SOFTWARE for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20296 Tod Mitchel Indicator Package.
20297 TomDemark system bundle (EasyLanguage code disclosed):
20297A - Tom Demark Indicators Package.
20297B - Tom Demark Scalper System (Excel template included)
20297C - Tom DeMark's Sequential Trading System.
20298 TradeMaster for Tradestation neologicfx (EL Code revealed)
20299 Trader's Dream for Tradestation.
20300 Trader's Profit Motive Traders Software for Tradestation.
10215 Tradestation 8.6 for E-Signal (Latest Build) with Service Pack and Owndata included free. It supports data from eSignal, Interactive Brokers (TWS), Quotespeed Tenfore, Patsystems (J-Trader), IQFeed, MarketCast, TradeStation2000i GlobalServer, ASCII (plain text).
20302 Tradethemarkets for Tradestation bundle (tradethemarkets):
- TTM Scalper Buys and Sells (TS code disclosed)
- TTM Auto Multi Pivots (TS code disclosed)
- TTM Bricks (TS code disclosed)
- TTM Squeeze (TS code disclosed)
- TTM Trend (TS code disclosed)
- TTM Tspro (TS code disclosed)
- TTM tickratio (TS code disclosed)
- TTM BBSqueeze (TS code disclosed)
20449 Tradethemarkets Directional Day Filter indicator with Value Chart.
20303 Trading Alchemy for Tradestation Complete Package (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20358 Trading Alchemy Trender Package.
20304 Trading Magic Trading System (EasyLanguage Code disclosed)
20306 Trend Legacy by Trend Simplicity for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20307 Trend Reflection for Tradestation (commodities version) trendreflection.
20308 Trend Simplicity Trading System for Tradestation trendsimplicity.
20309 Trend XP ES by Dream Trading for Tradestation dream-trading.
20310 TrendChannel Pro System include manual (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20444 TrendLineTrader for Tradestation trendlinetrader.
20381 Trilogy for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20311 Trio System for Tradestation.
20391 TS Research - ALL Tools.
20410 TSUNAMI Trade for Tradestation.
20414 TTM bricks TTMbricks.
20448 TTM Directional Day Filter System.
20411 TTM Pivots TTMPivots.
20412 TTMConfirmation TTM Confirmation.
20413 TTMScalperAlert TTM ScalperAlert.
20415 TTMTrend TTM Trend.
10263 TurnSignal Indicators for eSignal turnsignal. biz.
20312 Twist & Shout by RLM Business for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20349 Two Smooth and Advanced MA (AMA) by Roy Kelly roykelly. info (EL Code Revealed)
20313 TZAR for NQ, ND, and ES for Tradestation (TS code disclosed)
20314 U. S. One for Treasury Bonds for Tradestation (EL Code revealed)
20397 Ultra Edge Trading System and Strategy.
20316 Universal for Tradestation staffordtrading/
20317 Universal LT staffordtrading/universal. htm.
20319 Using Fibnacci Ratios and Momentum.
20320 VSA PRO by TradeToWin for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20321 Walter Bressert system bundle:
20321A - Walter Bressert Indicators.
20321B - Walter Bressert's ProfitTrader incl. Manual.
20321C - Walter Bressert's - The Cycle Trading Manual (.ela included)
20322 Wave Rider.
20323 Waverider for Tradestation longtermtrading/
20325 Weaver-DT for Tradestation alfaranda/
20326 Weaver-ST for Tradestation alfaranda/
20327 Wildcard for Tradestation ionianperspectives/
20328 William Tell Bond for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20329 Winning Edge Trading System for Tradestation winningedgesystem.
20330 Wood Indicators for Tradestation floatanalysis.
20331 XS Bonds for Tradestation (EL Code revealed)
20332 XTrader SP System for Tradestation by Clayburg.
20333 Xtreme for Tradestation trademaid. zwag. id. au/
20334 Zeeport for Tradestation alfaranda/
20335 ZMS Ultimate Timer by SmithWorks for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)

Minimax trading system code

20001 %Big Dog Trading System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20002 %C Big Dog traderassist/ (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20398 %C Daybreaker traderassist.
20003 %C Early Late Breaker traderassist/
20004 %C Electric Day Breaker Trading System traderassist/ (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20005 %C Playgap traderassist/
20006.ELD password removal program.
20007.eld,.ela,.els protection (password & source) removal service.
20008 1-2-3 System by John Schmidt.
20009 1-2-3-4 System by John Schmidt.
20010 25X25 by Charles LeBeau traderclub.
20367 AATS - Accurate Trading Dreamtick Trading System for GB Pound (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20361 AATS - LTC ES Scalper System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20360 AATS Accurate Trading CCI ZLR Trading System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20355 AATS CanOpen Trading System for Russel Index (EL Code Revealed)
20356 AATS Phoenix Trading System for S&P 500 Index (EL Code Revealed)
20357 AATS Rhino Trading System for Russel Index (EL Code Revealed)
20011 Abalone Trading System for TradeStation include manual andromedafutures/
20012 Aberration Plus System for Tradestation.
20441 Adam Theory System by Delta Society.
20013 Advanced Get. ela (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20014 Advanced GET RT for TradeStation2000i.
20015 AG-Xtreme Tier 1 for Tradestation agxtreme/
20017 Alfa-MAXX for Tradestation alfaranda/
20018 Alfanet Basis II Trading System for Tradestation by Brix alfanetsys (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20018 Alfanet Basis III.
20019 Allbest contrarian for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20020 Allbest investor for Tradestation ( (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20021 Allbest manager for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20022 Allbest swing for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20023 Allegro Intraday ND, NQ and SP for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20024 Allegro Swing ES, ND, NQ and SP for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20025 Alligator. eld (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20395 Alyuda Tradecision Pro RT Latest version.
20340 AmCan Full Suite Package amcantrading (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20026 Amcan Systens and Indicators for Tradestation 8.x amcantrading (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20027 Andromeda (version 1 or 2) Trading System andromedafutures (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20028 Anomaly 1 & 2
20029 Anticipation 1st Born for Tradestation advancedsystemsinc.
20031 Anticipation II advancedsystemsinc.
20030 Anticipation advancedsystemsinc.
20032 APEX SYSTEMS by Blue Wave Trading - EL Code Revealed bluewavetrading.
20033 Arcs for Tradestation alfaranda.
20034 Arcs Plus for Tradestation alfaranda.
20035 ARCS-ND and NQ for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20036 Arcs-NQ for Tradestation alfaranda.
20382 ART Charting Software for Tradestation 8.x (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20350 ART Real-Time Indicators & Pyramid Trading Point System (EL Code Revealed)
20037 AS S&P Raptor & Bear Trading Systems.
20038B AscTrend for Tradestation 8 or higher wintick.
20038 AscTrend for Tradestation2000i (EasyLanguage code disclosed) wintick.
20375 ASCtrend for TS no DLL with permanent crack (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20409 Aspect Trader.
20039 Atlas-35 System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20040 ATS 3200 Trading System for Tradestation ats3200 (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20041 ATS-6400 for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20371 ATW Indicators and Strategies for Tradestation advancedtradingworkshop.
20044 AxSym for Tradestation i8i/
20045 Aztec Global for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20046 Aztec Trading System for Tradestation trade-system (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20408 Bacon Boyz Ranger 2 and 3 & Trend Systems (Included Alchemy Ind. Pack) baconboyz (open code)
20047 Balance Point for Tradestation daytradingeducators/
20048 Baramundi Trading System for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20049 Belly Trader for Tradestation by Clayburg clayburg (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20050 Big Dipper for Tradestation by Charles LeBeau traderclub/
20051 BJ for Tradestation trademaid. zwag. id. au/
20052 Blue HorseShoe for Tradestation by Stafford Trading Co.
20053 Blue Line Trading by Tatkin Trading Company for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20402 BlueWave Precision Indicators for Tradestation.
20054 BlueWaveTrading Indicators for TS (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20055 BOND 007 for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20056 Bounce 1 for Tradestation trademaid. zwag. id. au/
20057 Bounce 2 for Tradestation trademaid. zwag. id. au/
20058 Brain Trading System 7.0 (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20059 Breaker for Tradestation by Tom Peetoom.
20436 Bricks & Trend Trading System by TradeTheMarkets (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20060 British Pound Metrics Trading System for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed) advanzteam.
20383 BRIX (Basis-III) for Tradestation (TS code disclosed)
20154S Builder & Shockwave Trading Systems for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20407 Builder Trading System for Tradestation.
20388 Buy Sell or Get Out Tradestation (Open code) or Esignal version LATEST buysellorgetout.
20061 BWT Area 51 for Tradestation bluewavetrading.
20417 BWT Breathbreaker 3 Trading System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20418 BWT Day Trader ES (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20062 BWT Matrix for Tradestation bluewavetrading.
20405 BWT Precision tradiing systems bluewavetrading (Open Code)
20065 BWT ROC N Russell - TS Code Revealed bluewavetrading.
20063 BWT Tidal Wave for Tradestation bluewavetrading/
20066 BWT Trend Indicators Package I & II bluewavetrading (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20067 BWT Zones / BlueWave Trading Zones bluewavetrading (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20068 C-3 Trading System (manual included)
20069 Cable24 Trading System non disclosed or disclosed version simnet. is/eforex (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20070 CandleStick Analysis bundle:
20070A - Candle Forecaster Expert (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20070B - CandleStick Patterns Indicator.
20070C - CandleStick Setup Codes (Raw code)
20440 Candlestick Indicator Set by Trade-to-Win.
20419 Capital Berkeley Full Set of Systems - Aegis, Ascend, Bridge, Element & Marin (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20072 Capricorn US tauruscorp/
20073 Catcher by Andy Will.
20074 Catscan 3 Plus for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20075 Catscan I & II for Tradestation mindfire-systems (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20076 Catscan III Constant for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20077 Catscan III for Tradestation mindfire-systems/
20078 Cesar Trading System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
50087 Charles Le Beau - First Sword Yen Trading System + Manual (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20079 Charles Le Beau system bundle (EasyLanguage code disclosed):
20079A - Charles Le Beau - 25 x 25 Bond System (incl Manual)
20079B - Charles Le Beau - Big Dipper Bond Trading System.
20079C - Charles Le Beau – Crossbow.
20079D - Charles Le Beau - MACK Trading System (incl Manual)
20079E - Charles Le Beau - PRUDENT S&P Trading System (incl Manual)
20079F - Charles Le Beau - Roughneck CO Trading System (incl Manual)
20079G - Charles Le Beau - Strategic Swiss Franc.
20079H - Charles Le Beau – Sward.
20080 Checkmate for Tradestation traderstech/site/index. html (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20081 Cipher for Tradestation foundertrading/
20082 Clayburg's indicators for Tradestation clayburg.
20404 Clyde Lee Swing Timer Trading System.
20084 Commando Moneyline Indicators (manual included)
20085 Commando Trader II for Tradestation commandotrader.
20341 Compass SP Trading System + Naviagator + Surveyvor by marinerfutures (EL code revealed)
20086 Crashproof for Tradestation crashproofadvisors/
20087 Crossbow for Tradestation by Charles LeBeau traderclub.
20438 Crounching Tiger Trading System by Trade-to-Win (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20088 Currency Conquest I for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20089 Cycle Trading System by Walter Bressert (manual included)
20392 Cycle Trends Professional cycletrends. co. za.
20090 Cyclone for Tradestation by John Clayburg clayburg/ (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20450 David Landry on Swing Trading package:
- Dave Landry Swing Trading systems for Tradestation.
- David Landry on Swing Trading. pdf.
- Getting Started in Momentum. Based Swing Trading. pdf.
- Cup-and-Handle Trading Techniques For Swing Traders. doc.
- Getting Started In Momentum-Based Swing Trading. doc.
- Ten Tenets Of Swing Trading. doc.
20091 Dale Legan System bundle:
20091A - Dale Legan - Catching Waves with a Multi-Cycle Momentum Model.
20091B - Dale Legan Indicators’ Set.
20091C - Dale Legan Confluence Function.
20092 Dealer Choice Pro for TS (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20093 Deep Throat by RLM Business for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20094 Del Mar for S&P and Nasdaq E-minis for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20416 Delta Graphics Director Edition for Intraday and Forex.
20442 Delta Graphics Net30 Forex Edition by Delta Society.
20095 Delta Phenomenon System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20096 Delta Threshold for Tradestation by Day Trading Inst. (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20097 Dennis Meyer’s System bundle:
20097A - Dennis Meyers' advanced short-term systems and indicators.
20097B - Dennis Meyers' basic short-term systems and indicators.
20097C - Dennis Meyers Short Term Indicators v 2 and Long Term v 4and 5.
20097D - Dennis Meyers' Super Walk Forward Optimizer.
20098 Dennis RSI for Tradestation by Robert Dennis, Jr.
20099 Di Napoli Indicators.
20100 DiNapoli Oscillator Predictor.
20437 Directional Day Filter Trading System by TradeTheMarkets (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20101 Diversified Swing Trader (DST) for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20102 Dollar Trader for Currencies dollartrader/ (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20103 Dominant Short-Cycle Indicator.
20104 Double Play by Trade System for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20105 Drummond Geometry - Market Flow Indicator (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20106 Drummond Geometry. ELA Indicators for Tradestation tedtick.
20107 Drummond Lessons Package (Lessons 1-30 and Drummond indicators for TradeStation)
20108 DTTB (Daytraders Talking Tool Box ) for TS.
20109 Dynamic Gann Level System for TradeStation 2000i - 4.0 / Metastock / Excel.
20110 Dynamic Time.
20111 Dynamo for Tradestation by Chuck Hughes.
20112 Early Bird III Trading system for TS 8.x and TS2000i earlybirdtrading (EL Code Revealed)
20113 Ed's Crossover Indicator by Rhythm of the Markets (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20114 ELA / ELS password removal program.
20006 ELD password removal program.
20115 eMESA for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20345 Empire Euro Dollar Trading System by Keener Capital (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20116 Entry Point for Tradestation softwaresolutions-inc.
20445 EOT Pro End of Trend Trading Indicators for Tradestation eotpro (open code)
20117 EpicDynaTrend for Tradestation epictradingsystems.
20123 Euro Metrics Trading System (EasyLanguage code disclosed) advanzteam.
20124 EuroDynamics LT for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20125 EuroTrader Trading (EasyLanguage code disclosed) orignal manual included simnet. is/eforex/
20126 EVE T Bond by Emil Van Essen for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
10262 EZ2Trade Indicators for eSignal ez2tradesoftware (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20127 Feeder Trader Trading System by John Clayburg clayburg (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20128 Fibonacci Cluster Locator Professional.
20129 Fibonacci Trader Indicators dll.
20130 Floor Traders Tools for Tradestation by Roy Kelly (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20131 Focal Point Trading System.
20132 FT S&P DayTrade for Tradestation staffordtrading.
20133 Fusion by Strategic Trading Systems for Tradestation (TS code disclosed)
20134 FX-23 Plus EUR for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20135 FX24 Trading system non disclosed or disclosed version simnet. is/eforex.
20136 FxDynamics non disclosed or disclosed version simnet. is/eforex.
20363 Gann Pivot System by Bruce Babcock (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20137 Gear for Tradestation alfaranda/
20362 Genesis B Japanese YEN Trading System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20139 Global Server Convertor.
20140 Global Variable bundle:
20140A - Global Variable DLLs.
20140B - Global Variables Pro.
20141 Golden Eagle III Trading System.
20142 Golden SX Plus Trading System for TS mindfire-systems (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20365 Grail Genetic Optimizer, Grail Walk Forward Optimizer, Genetic Portfolio Optimizer, Computer Assisted Strategy Builder for Tradestation by thegrailsystem.
20364 Grail Global Futures Trading System for TradeStation.
20291 Grail walk-forward Optimizer (alone)
20143 Guenther K Currencies for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20144 GUESSNOT ABC for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20145 Hats and Trader's Delight for Tradestation.
20406 Hawkeye Advanced ToolKit for eSignal (Basic, Levels, Hooks) hawkeyetrading.
20373 Hawkeye Indicators for Tradestation hawkeyetrading.
20146 Helix SP trading system for Tradestation - EL Code Revealed foundertrading/
40119A Hit & Run Trading I (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
40119B Hit & Run Trading II (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20147 Hit and Run I & II for Tradestation mgordonpub.
20393 Hologram GBP_USD System for TS8.
20148 HOT ZONES For TradeStation.
10091 Hurst Channel 5 or Hurst Channel Four (theswingmachine) (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20384 I-Master eMD by Trade-System for Tradestation (TS code disclosed)
20385 I-Master eRL by Trade-System for Tradestation (TS code disclosed)
20152 I-Master Trading System by Murray Ruggiero trade-system (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20154 Indicia Scalper System (EasyLanguage Code Disclosed)
20155 Indicia Technologies Systems FOREX Trading Systems (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20156 Insight for ES, ND, NQ for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20157 Insight Strategic Investment Trader mindfire-systems.
20158 Interplay by Strategic Trading Systems for Tradestation (TS code disclosed)
20159 Investor’s Dream (manual included)
20160 Jan Arps - Adam Price reflection bars indicator for TS (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20161 Jan Arps - Crown Jewels Package (EasyLanguage Code Open)
20162 Jan Arps Canopus for Tradestation janarps.
20163 Jan Arps Hurst Polynominal Regression Bands ToolKit for Tradestation janarps/HurstChannels. htm.
20164 Jan Arps indicator & system bundle:
20164A - Danton ShockWave Tool Kit (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20164B - Fox Waves Tool Kit (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20164C - Jackson Zones Tool Kit (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20164D - ProScan S&P Scalping System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20164E - Sigma Bands Toolkit (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20164F - Trading With Steve Woods Cumulative Volume - Float Indicator (EasyLanguage Open-Code)
20165 Jan Arps system bundle:
20165A - Jan Arps Swing Box.
20165B - Jan Arps Swing Day Traders Tool Kit.
20166 Jan Arps TT6 ALPHA CENTAURI for Tradestation janarps (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20167 Jeff Cooper 5-day momentum indicator.
20168 JJ for the Eurodollar for Tradestation (TS code revealed)
20352 Joe Krutsinger - Time Charger Trading System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20169 Joe Krutsinger - Call Buyer.
20170 Joe Krutsinger - Index Point (joekrut/products. htm)
20171 Joe Krutsinger - Last Dollar for Tradestation.
20172 Joe Krutsinger - MEASURE.
20337 Joe Krutsinger - SAFER Trading System by Joe Krutsinger (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20173 Joe Krutsinger - TIMEMACH.
20175 Joe Krutsinger Quarterpounder FOREX Trading Systems (code disclosed)
20178 Joe Krutsinger's "Joe Krut System" for Tradestation.
20179 Joe Krutsinger's Focal Point for Tradestation.
20180 Joe Krutsinger's Hats and Trader's Delight for Tradestation.
20181 Joe Krutsinger's Prince for Tradestation.
20174 Joe Krutsinger mechanical trading system bundle:
20174A - English Channel Trading System (EasyLanguage Open-Code)
20174B - GearShift Trading System (EasyLanguage Open-Code)
20174C - Parrot Trading System (EasyLanguage Open-Code)
20176 Joe Krutsinger system bundle 1: joekrut.
20176A - Joe Krutsinger - $36,000 worth of trading systems.
20176B - Joe Krut's 12 Ultimate Systems.
20177 Joe Krutsinger trading system bundle 2 (EasyLanguage code disclosed): joekrut.
20177A - Dealer Choice Pro Trading System by Joe Kruts (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20177B - Dream Trading System by Joe Kruts.
20177C - Index Point Trading System by Joe Kruts.
20177D - One Trade Trading System by Joe Kruts.
20177E - Position Point Trading System by Joe Kruts.
20177F - Queen Trading System by Joe Kruts.
20177G - Ranger Trading System by Joe Kruts.
20177H - Traders Delight Trading System by Joe Kruts.
20177I - Traders Dream Trading System by Joe Kruts.
20177J - Trio Trading System by Joe Kruts.
20378 Joe Ross Trading Methods (include: Andy 60T, Andy 40T, Zanibar, Easy Bond, Zulut, Ambusht)
20182 John Clayburg Indicator Package.
20183 Jurik Tools DLL version (JMA, CFB, DDR, VEL, WAW, RSX) jurikres.
20184 Jurik Tools for TradeStation 2000i / 8.x jurikres (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20185 Jurik TPO - Turning Point Oscillator jurikres (EasyLanguage Code-Open) for Tradestation.
20186 Kase StatWare Trading Indicators for Tradestation kaseco (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20187 KC Collection for Tradestation (The Futures Group) futures-trader.
20188 Kwik POP for TradeStation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20368 Kwik Pop Indicators Package latest version.
20189 Larry Williams Indicators for Tradestation bundle:
20189A - Larry William’s. ELA from Seminar.
20189B - Larry William’s Systems.
20190C - Larry Williams' 1.28 breakout.
20189C - Larry Williams Inner Circle Indicators.
20189D - eBook How ro Trade Better - Eliminate Fear.
20189E - Larry Williams interview.
20189E - Bonus: Larry William's indicator and system collection.
20190 Linda Raschke System bundle:
20190A - Linda Raschke - LBR Edge.
20190B - Linda Raschke Critical Day.
20191 Little Big Horn system (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20192 Long-Term Trading System by longtermtrading bundle:
20192A - Anomaly 1.
20192B - Anomaly 2.
20192C - Ready-Set-Go Rel.
20192D - Wave Rider Rel.
20421 Low Ranger Trading System by Joe Krutsinger (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20193 LTS DayTrading System bundle for TradeStation 8.x (EasyLanguage code disclosed):
20193A - LTS Breakout Trading System.
20193B - LTS Barracuda Trading System.
20193C - LTS Optimum Trading System.
20425 LYNX TradeStation Trading System for Commodities (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20194 Magic Dots Trading System (open code version available)
20195 Magnet for Tradestation alfaranda/
20196 Magnet Zero for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20197 Magnitude for Tradestation foundertrading/
20198 Market Analytics System bundle:
20198A - Market Analytics - Exhaustion Bars.
20198B - Market Analytics - Fractal Toolkit.
20198C - Market Analytics - MA Predict.
20198D - Market Analytics - Momentum Toolkit.
20198E - Market Annihilator System.
20389 Market Cycles Add-on for Dynamic Trader.
20199 Market Profile Indicator by Sirtrade (EasyLanguage code disclosed) sirtrade/market. htm.
20342 MarketAxe Trading Indicators by marketaxe (EL Code revealed)
20201 Mechwarrior ES for Mini S&P futures for Tradestation (EL Code revealed)
20202 Mechwarrior SP for Tradestation (EL Code revealed)
20203 Mesa for Tradestation mesasoftware.
20204 MESA Bonds for Tradestation mesa-systems.
20205 MESA Max for Tradestation mesa-systems.
20348 Mesa Sierra Hotel for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20206 Mesa T-Notes or Mesa Notes for Tradestation mesa-systems.
20207 Miles Dunbar's Great White - ES, ND, NQ, SP for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20208 MILLENNIUM Trading System for TS.
20209 Mini SIMPLICITY - for mini S&P 500 and regular Dow Jones futures index (EL Code revealed)
20210 MiniMax I & II Trading System for Tradestation breakoutfutures/MiniMax/
20211 MoonTide S&P Trading System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
10123 MT Predictor EOD and RT stand-alone mtpredictor.
20374 MTPredictor Extensions version 8 for Tradestation.
20338 MTPredictor RT for Tradestation 8.x (RT/EOD for Tradestation2000i is also available)
20354 Mystery Trading System (EasyLanguage code disclosed) pwafutures.
20212 NATT collection for Tradestation natt.
20343 Naviagator Trading System by marinerfutures (EL Code revealed)
20390 NetPicks Universal Market Trader for TS.
20447 Neural DT System for Tradestation.
20213 Neural Scope Tick Trader (S&P Emini) for TS neuralscope (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20214 NexGen T-3 Fibs ProTrader for Tradestation nss-t3 ABC Plot Trends & MACD Indicators included *Latest Release* (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
10242 Ocean Advanced Software.
20420 Ocean Plus Indicator Package by Jim Sloman (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20346 Ocean Trading Indicators by Jim Sloman with manuals, video tutorial, user guide, Ocean Theory ebook (EL Code Revealed) gfds-ocean (180MB in size)
20215 Octane Trading System for Tradestation (1 S&P system by futurestruth) (red. hungryhippo) (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20216 Omega ProSuite Indicator Pkg by Trade Concepts.
20217 OmniCom (for TS)
20443 One Day at a Time MTS (Member Trading Systems) by Delta Society.
20218 ONIX for Tradestation alfaranda.
20339 Optimax - a fast optimizer for Tradestation 8.x - level 3 modus-novus.
20219 Outsiderfor TS for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
10155 Owndata latest.
20220 Parabolic Stop for Tradestation by Welles Wilder.
20221 Pegasus for Tradestation andromedafutures manual included (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20222 Pendulum for Tradestation staffordtrading.
20387 Performance I (include. ela)
20223 Pieter Hoenderdos System.
20224 Position Point for Tradestation.
20226 PrecisionTrader - BuySell Point Indicator.
20372 Prime-Line Tradestation Suite prime-line.
20227 Prince for Tradestation.
20228 Profit Quest for Tradestation by ProfitQuest Systems.
20229 ProfitTrader for Tradestation (by Walter Bressert) walterbressert.
20230 Profitunity Indicators.
20231 ProScan S&P Scalping System, Sigma Bands Toolkit, Trading With Steve Woods Cumulative Volume - Float Indicator.
20427 Quanttrader30 = EUR-USD Forex System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20232 Quantum Leap Zone Indicators Package (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20233 Queen for Tradestation.
20234 R&W MasterSuite FOREX Trading Systems (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20235 Ranger for Tradestation.
20377 Raptor II with plugins by Steven Primo tradingmarkets.
20236 R-Breaker by Rich Saidenberg (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20428 RC 5 Trading System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20394 RC Chance+ Trading System (including full EasyLanguage disclosed code)
20376 RC Conservative II for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed) rc3200.
20429 RC Dreams Trading System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20237 RC Miracles II (EasyLanguage code disclosed) rc3200.
20238 RC Success ll (EasyLanguage code disclosed) rc3200.
20359 RC Success llI.
20239 Ready-Set-Go Rel. longtermtrading.
20424 Real Time Target Indicators by John Clayburg.
20240 RevMark + ATM Trading Systems for TS talkingtools.
20241 revMark Trading System for TS.
20403 RightAngleTrading Tools for eSignal / TradeStation.
20242 Rina Dynamic Zones Analysis for Tradestation.
20243 RINA Money Manager.
20244 Rina OptiLogix for Tradestation.
20245 Rina Performance Suite for TS2000i and TS8 (include: Rina Money Manager, Rina Portfolio Evaluator, Rina 3D) rinafinancial.
20246 RINA Portfolio Evaluator.
20247 Rina Portfolio Selector Pro Toolbox.
20248 RINA Portfolio Stream for TradeStation.
20249 RINA Portfolio Stream (Optilogix module included)
20250 R-Levels for Tradestation by Rich Saidenberg (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20252 R-Mesa for Tradestation 8.x. Other versions available for TS2000i mesa-systems (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20253 Robert Miner’s Stochastic RSI (ELA Code)
10264 Roy Kelly Advanced Package for Esignal (ALL) roykelly. info.
20254 Roy Kelly’s Floor Trader System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
10185 Roy Kelly's Floor Traders Toolkit (open code) roykelly. info.
10187 Roy Kelly's Money Maker.
20255 Roy Kelly's Trend Pro for TS for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20256 RS of Houston for Tradestation.
20430 RSI Strategy (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20257 Ruggerio Global Varariables Professional Edition.
20258 Ruggiero Stock Traders Toolbox.
20259 Rumba for Tradestation dancewiththemarkets/ (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20260 S&P Day for Tradestation simnet. is/eforex/
20261 S&Pmd for the S&P500 for Tradestation (EL Code revealed)
20262 Safir-X sirtrade.
20263 Safir-Xp PROFESSIONAL +SirTrade (include manual & tutorial) sirtrade/safirxp. htm.
20431 Safir-Xs +SirTrade sirtrade/ref. htm.
20264 Sailor for Tradestation alfaranda/
20265 SAM S&P Daytrader for Tradestation shafferasset.
20400 Samurai 35 for Tradestation (EL Code revealed)
20267 Scalper Pivot Point for Tradestation scalpersoftware (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20268 SharpShooter Trading System by commandotrader.
20269 Shockwave or Danton Shockwave galacticinvestor/shockwave_addon. htm.
20270 Shogun by sptradingsystems for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20271 Sierra Hotel for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20272 Simplicity for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20432 Simplicity Forex Swing (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20273 SirTrade for TS (incl. Safir-X) sirtrade (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20369 Smart-eTrades e-Mini DayTrader Series (Eagle, Dragon, and Raven Trading Systems)
20274 SmarteTrades indicator bundle smartetrades (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20275 Sniper Trading System for Tradestation (for trading e-mini S&P futures)
20276 SP \ U for Tradestation finf/
20277 SP500 MD for Tradestation marketdirection/default. asp.
20279 Squeeze Play & Trendy Wendy Trading Systems (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20446 StackTrade for TS (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20280 Stafford STC Daytrader Trading System (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20281 STAT for Tradestation mindfire-systems.
20282 Statmirror for Tradestation futuresequity/
20283 STC S&P DayTrade by Stafford for Tradestation staffordtrading/
20284 STC V-Based S&P Daytrade System staffordtrading/vbsp. htm.
20433 StockMedium for TradeStation.
40223 Street Smarts by Conners & Rasche (Street Smarts. ela file included)
20285 Sunny Harris Indicators moneymentor.
20286 Support/Resistance for Tradestation by Walter Studnicki.
20344 Surveyor Trading System by marinerfutures (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20287 Swing Index System for Tradestation by Welles Wilder.
20422 Swing Star Trading System by Joe Krutsinger (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20439 Swing Traders Edge Trading System Trade-to-Win (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20288 Synergy for Tradestation traderstech/site/index. html (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20347 Tactical Trading indicators bundle (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20289 Tango for Tradestation dancewiththemarkets (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20290 TCI strategies and indicators for Tradestation traderstech.
10280 Tenfore Satelite QuoteSpeed Server.
20379 The Big Blue Trading System by Mike Barna.
10201 The Daytrader's Talking ToolBox.
20365 The Grail - Genetic Optimizer, Grail Walk Forward Optimizer, Genetic Portfolio Optimizer, Computer Assisted Strategy Builder for Tradestation by thegrailsystem.
20434 The Grail - Genetic System Builder Prototyping Strategy.
20380 The Grail - GGO with CASB.
20364 The Grail - Global Futures Trading System for TradeStation.
20435 The Grail - Universal Strategy Optimizer.
20291 The Grail - walk-forward Optimizer.
20292 The KC Collection Channel Method futures-trader (manual included) (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20293 The Turtle Trading System.
20294 Thirteen Mechanical Trading for TS.
20423 Time Any Trading System by Joe Krutsinger (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20295 T-MESA by MESA SOFTWARE for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20296 Tod Mitchel Indicator Package.
20297 TomDemark system bundle (EasyLanguage code disclosed):
20297A - Tom Demark Indicators Package.
20297B - Tom Demark Scalper System (Excel template included)
20297C - Tom DeMark's Sequential Trading System.
20298 TradeMaster for Tradestation neologicfx (EL Code revealed)
20299 Trader's Dream for Tradestation.
20300 Trader's Profit Motive Traders Software for Tradestation.
10215 Tradestation 8.6 for E-Signal (Latest Build) with Service Pack and Owndata included free. It supports data from eSignal, Interactive Brokers (TWS), Quotespeed Tenfore, Patsystems (J-Trader), IQFeed, MarketCast, TradeStation2000i GlobalServer, ASCII (plain text).
20302 Tradethemarkets for Tradestation bundle (tradethemarkets):
- TTM Scalper Buys and Sells (TS code disclosed)
- TTM Auto Multi Pivots (TS code disclosed)
- TTM Bricks (TS code disclosed)
- TTM Squeeze (TS code disclosed)
- TTM Trend (TS code disclosed)
- TTM Tspro (TS code disclosed)
- TTM tickratio (TS code disclosed)
- TTM BBSqueeze (TS code disclosed)
20449 Tradethemarkets Directional Day Filter indicator with Value Chart.
20303 Trading Alchemy for Tradestation Complete Package (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20358 Trading Alchemy Trender Package.
20304 Trading Magic Trading System (EasyLanguage Code disclosed)
20306 Trend Legacy by Trend Simplicity for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20307 Trend Reflection for Tradestation (commodities version) trendreflection.
20308 Trend Simplicity Trading System for Tradestation trendsimplicity.
20309 Trend XP ES by Dream Trading for Tradestation dream-trading.
20310 TrendChannel Pro System include manual (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20444 TrendLineTrader for Tradestation trendlinetrader.
20381 Trilogy for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20311 Trio System for Tradestation.
20391 TS Research - ALL Tools.
20410 TSUNAMI Trade for Tradestation.
20414 TTM bricks TTMbricks.
20448 TTM Directional Day Filter System.
20411 TTM Pivots TTMPivots.
20412 TTMConfirmation TTM Confirmation.
20413 TTMScalperAlert TTM ScalperAlert.
20415 TTMTrend TTM Trend.
10263 TurnSignal Indicators for eSignal turnsignal. biz.
20312 Twist & Shout by RLM Business for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20349 Two Smooth and Advanced MA (AMA) by Roy Kelly roykelly. info (EL Code Revealed)
20313 TZAR for NQ, ND, and ES for Tradestation (TS code disclosed)
20314 U. S. One for Treasury Bonds for Tradestation (EL Code revealed)
20397 Ultra Edge Trading System and Strategy.
20316 Universal for Tradestation staffordtrading/
20317 Universal LT staffordtrading/universal. htm.
20319 Using Fibnacci Ratios and Momentum.
20320 VSA PRO by TradeToWin for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20321 Walter Bressert system bundle:
20321A - Walter Bressert Indicators.
20321B - Walter Bressert's ProfitTrader incl. Manual.
20321C - Walter Bressert's - The Cycle Trading Manual (.ela included)
20322 Wave Rider.
20323 Waverider for Tradestation longtermtrading/
20325 Weaver-DT for Tradestation alfaranda/
20326 Weaver-ST for Tradestation alfaranda/
20327 Wildcard for Tradestation ionianperspectives/
20328 William Tell Bond for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)
20329 Winning Edge Trading System for Tradestation winningedgesystem.
20330 Wood Indicators for Tradestation floatanalysis.
20331 XS Bonds for Tradestation (EL Code revealed)
20332 XTrader SP System for Tradestation by Clayburg.
20333 Xtreme for Tradestation trademaid. zwag. id. au/
20334 Zeeport for Tradestation alfaranda/
20335 ZMS Ultimate Timer by SmithWorks for Tradestation (EasyLanguage code disclosed)

FinTech Limited is a Software Created by Daniel Roberts.
But is FinTech a Scam to Avoid or a Legit Binary System?
100% Exclusive & FREE FinTech Ltd. Review by Experts.
What Traders Have to Share & How it Works – Check Below!
Revisão completa.
Online investments can sometimes be risky because there are many scam products available on the market that can make you lose your money.
Binary options trading is no different, but luckily we still have genuine software systems that you can use and benefit from. One of the latest systems that have been released in the market is FinTech Ltd.
Review Verdict: FinTech Ltd is NOT a Scam.
When creating the software, Daniel Roberts had one aim and that was to change life for the better. He wanted to give traders from all walks of life a chance to maintain a higher standard of monetary satisfaction. But has he been successful at it? Read this review to find out if FinTech Ltd is a scam or it is a legit option for you to make investments with.
How to Use?
FinTech Ltd. is a powerful software that can multiply your money by sending you alerts for the most profitable trading opportunities. The software monitors the financial markets and places trades for you. You just have to set your preferences and allow the software to work to your advantage.
There is vast list of assets including currencies, indices, stocks and commodities to trade. You can choose your assets, how much you want to invest per trade and you can also set limits for daily trades and losses. Once you have determined your settings, you can let FinTech Ltd do the rest of the trading tasks for you.
You are free to change the settings anytime you want. You can also perform trading tasks on your own if you prefer manual trading. The only requirement you have to meet is that your trading balance is not empty – you can start with as little as $250.
No Download Involved.
FinTech Ltd. is entirely web-based. Its platform is light and will run in any of your browsers, regardless of your operating system.
Steps to Get Started With FinTech Profits.
FREE Sign Up – to get through, you don’t have to pay a free. Simply use the quick sign up form and get started. Trade & amp; Profit – Once you are registered, you can work with the best brokers in the industry to yield extremely high profits on your investments. A exigência de depósito mínimo é de US $ 250. Withdrawal – the software works automatically and helps your account grow. When you have reached the minimum amount in your account to make a withdrawal, you can submit a request and get your money transferred.
Fintech Profits & Retorna.
The average winning ratio of the FinTech profits robot has been verified to be around 83%. Some of its clients have reported even higher accuracy when trading on low-risk settings.
Does FinTech Ltd. Cost Anything?
After you have completed the registration process, you can obtain the software for free .
The requirement that you have to meet to get free access to FinTech Ltd is to get a trading account from one of the brokers assigned by FinTech Ltd. and fund your balance with a minimum of $250.
You will never be asked to pay money for using the software. It will be free for you for as long as you want to use it. Because the software is free, you can get the perfect opportunity to test it and see how well it works.
Is FinTech Ltd. a Scam?
With so many bogus automated binary trading systems on the market, traders must always exercise caution when choosing one.
When we conducted a review on the FinTech profits robot, we couldn’t find any complaints that show that this system is bogus. There are no red flags that could raise our suspicion about it being not legit. It can safely be stated that FinTech Ltd is a genuine software which works. They have a dedicated Facebook page and their reviews have been posted on social media. Daniel Roberts is a real person and his identity can be traced.
Review Verdict: FinTech Ltd is NOT a Scam.
The best part perhaps is the transparency with which the software is being presented. You can get all the details about how it works and who is behind the creation of the software on their website.
Top10BinaryApps mentions in its review that Fintech Ltd “is exactly what it claims to be – an innovative but easy to use binary options auto-trading system that makes the trading process more streamlined and efficient.
Special Features & Vantagens
Traders must proceed with caution when it comes to choosing a binary options system given the fact that the market is flooded with bogus systems. There are many systems which work, but not to a satisfactory standard because they consist of basic features only.
The FinTech Ltd is one of those very few systems that have advanced features.
You don’t need any experience to use it to make profits. You don’t have to read charts or conduct any research because it does all the tasks on your behalf. You can execute automated trades as well as manual trades.
But the two main features that we would like to mention in this review are Reverse Trading and Risk Level control features. These features give traders the opportunity to build their strategies and gain more control over how trades are performed.
Customer Assistance Service.
FinTech Ltd. has a dedicated support team online 24/7. They have always assisted the current and potential customers of the software in due time and with efficiency. The support is available in multiple languages, via live chat and e-mail.
“I was introduced to FinTech Ltd by a friend of mine. It was during a time when I had sworn never to trade binary options again, after getting burned by a huge scam. So this friend had to show me personally how he trades, how the software behaves and that it is truly profitable. I am a hard to convince person.
So after a week of monitoring his results through the autopilot of FinTech profits robot, I thought I should give it a chance after all. It’s been two months since I started and I have no problems with my investments and withdrawals. I definitely recommend it!”
After completing our investigation, the test team is unanimous in the verdict – FinTech Ltd. is not a scam, but a legitimate and authentic software for automated investments in binary options. It keeps an open policy with its customers and applies full transparency rules.
FinTech can provide its clients with wide control over its automated processes through various special features. These features give it a huge advantage over its competition. You don’t need to download anything to run the system, just a browser and a stable Internet connection.
FinTech Ltd. is safe for use and we highly recommend it.


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